Why autumn garden cleanup is important ?
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Why autumn garden cleanup is important ?
It is usually a good idea to start preparing your garden for the winter when most of the annuals have already died from the first frosts. At the same time, we can start the autumn cleaning even earlier, if we see that the plants have withered and dried out, and they no longer decorate the garden or grow.
The autumn garden cleanup prepares the garden for the winter frosts and at the same time for the next year’s spring. Autumn cleaning is essential in the garden to preserve the beauty and health of our plants in the next years. Below is some advice on how to make a garden – flower beds, perennials, evergreen trees, shrubs – for the winter months.
When do we start preparing the garden for winter?
A perfect time to start preparing your garden for the winter when most of the annuals have already died from the first frosts. At the same time, we can start the autumn cleaning even earlier, if we see that the plants have withered and dried out, and they no longer decorate the garden or grow.
Collecting dead plants
Collect all the dried plant remains from the garden – dead plants, fallen leaves, rotten fruits, and all remains of infected dead plants. Keep in mind, that only healthy plant residues can be composted! (If such gets into the compost, we run the risk of re-infecting the garden with the same disease the following year.) If the plant residue shows signs of disease, throw it in the trash.
Leaf collection
Leaf collection from your lawn and garden pathways: we use blowers and rakes to collect quickly the leaves, then bagging them. Do you want your lawn to look its best? Ask for a free quote from us to provide a professional leaf pickup.
Final Lawn cutting
We will do the final lawn moving, collecting leaves, debris and fertilize the lawn (optional)
Lawn fertilizing and aeration
We recommend fertilizing your lawn in the autumn period, to get the best results and the perfect lawn for the next year.