Why use raised garden beds?
Some of the benefits are: less weed, warmer soil earlier in spring, warmer soil in autumn, more growing space, easier to keep out the pests, provide good drainage.
Advantages of raised beds
Ideal for those who don’t want too many plants to grow, raised beds are a great way to grow your own vegetables. Place your raised beds in a sunny or partly shaded part of your garden, which will allow you to grow the widest range of vegetables.
How to build a raised bed?
Fill your raised beds with compost, to the bottom place some grass clippings, leaves, wood chips, straw and other organic material, then fill with compost.
Recommended heights is more than 50 cm, larger pots are easier to maintain because they hold greater volumes of soil, nutrients, and water.
Best vegetables to grow in a raised bed
- Potatoes
- Tomatoes
- Lettuce, spinach, sorrel and other leafy greens
- Onions
- Root vegetables
- Marigolds
- Pansies
- Zinnia
- Begonias
- Snapdragons
- Cosmos

What vegetables grow well together in raised beds?
Onions and garlic planted beside tomatoes help to repel slugs and snails. Marigolds (Tagetes) also recommended to plant beside tomatoes or potatoes. Also helpful planted together with cabbage, keeps out the cabbage maggots. Basil can help to enrich the flavor of tomatoes.
What Plants Should Not Be Planted Together?
- Asparagus
- Peas
- Soybeans
- Beans
- Beets
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Cucumbers
- Potatoes and tomatoes
Ask us for a quote for custom made raised bed, we can build to you from various materials.

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